Monday, September 28, 2009

Science Experiment: A Floating Egg?

I took an egg out of the fridge and waited for it to get at room temperature, then I took out to container of salt, a teaspoon, a spoon to stir with, and a glass filled with water.

I dropped the egg in the cup and it sunk straight to the bottom of the glass.
Then I took the salt container and poured some salt into the teaspoon. I poured the salt into the glass .
I stirred the salt in the glass and waited for it to dissolve.
Here is were I dropped the egg into the glass after it the salt dissolved, the egg floated for a little bit then sunk to the bottom, this was after I added the first teaspoon of salt.
My Science book had told me to repeat this until the egg floated to the top, it took four more teaspoons of salt for the egg to float to the top of the glass.
The goal of this experiment was to see if salt changed the density of items. It was a fun experiment and I'm glad it turned out well.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Spring Haiku

New birth, plants, sounds:
green plants grow
natures own colors.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Science Experiment: A chemical reaction

My next science experiment was the most fun so far. I had took a 2 liter bottle and filled it with vinegar. Then I had to take some cabbage leaves and boil them in water. After that I took the leaves out and put ice cubes in the juice to cool it down. The next thing I did was fill a balloon with baking soda, then I poured the cabbage juice in with the vinegar. Here is were it gets exiting, I poured the baking soda out of the balloon by using a funnel, then the new liquid started to fizz and they balloon blew up, also the liquid in the bottle turned blue! This happens when one items atoms combine with the other items atoms to form a new substance, The vinegar an the baking soda formed together to make 3 new substances, they made Carbon dioxide, sodium acetate, and water, then the chemical in the cabbage leaves mixed with the vinegar and turned it purple. When the vinegar was transformed into a new substance it turned the cabbage juice blue. This is just another amazing fact that God has made us wonderfully and loves us dearly.

these are all the items I used.

In this picture I am putting the baking soda in the balloon

This is were it started to change purple when I added the cabbage juice and then blue when I added the baking soda

And this is the finished project doesn't it look nice?!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Science Experiment: Atomic Motion

I had to do another science experiment, but this time I did it on atoms in motion. First I had to boil some water on the stove. Then after it was done boiling I had to fill a glass jar with the boiled water, then I had to get another glass jar and fill it with cold water. When I was done filling the jars with the water I put a drop of green food coloring in the jar with hot water then a drop of blue food coloring in the cold water jar. The food coloring in the hot water jar spread more quickly than the one in cold jar. This explains that atoms move faster in an object when hot than when an object is cold. The videos below should show my results. It was a fun project than still proves God amazing love for us.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Science experiment: Density in nature

In my general science book I was asked to do a science experiment about atoms and how they exist in every single thing. First I took a glass and filled it with ¼ full of vegetable oil, then ¼ cup of water, and then ¼ cup of dark corn syrup.

Then I put the rock in the glass and it sunk to the bottom, when I put the grape in it floated on top of the dark corn syrup, when I put the ice cube in it floated on top of the water but not on the vegetable oil. This is because of these items atoms. Atoms consist in every living thing and make up every living thing. For instance If you were to cut a quilt and find that it is made of tiny threads oven together to make the quilt, what's even more amazing is that each of those individual threads are made a even tinier atoms, isn't that amazing? So the rock's atoms were so densely packed together that it sunk beneath all the liquids, the cork's atoms were very loose so they only stayed on top of all the liquids, the ice cube's atoms were hard enough to let it float above the water but not sink all the way down to the bottom of the glass. This just another one of God's signs that he made us wonderfully.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The butterfly house and Hills Alive

On our trip to Sioux falls with my mom's friend we went to the butterfly house. Here is a picture of a butterfly eating a banana and another eating an orange. We were with My mom's friends children D-man and little Chicken, I desperatley wanted one to land on me and one almost did but it landed on the rules paper instead. and one landed on D-mans arm but he moved at thesame time and it flew away. I desperately tried to get one to land on me. But it was no use after a little while we left then went to the playground to play.

hhere is a picture of the band Skillet it was a pretty good band with a good message

This is my friend in a Kayak we went Kayaking at hills alive it was five dollars! for 20 minutes but it was fun!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fledgling bird

I Was studying my Bible bee cards when I kept hearing this small chirping noise. I realized it was coming from outside. I looked out the window and saw a fledgling bird sitting on a small branch underneath our tree. It let me get close enough to it to take a picture. The bird didn't move but it was so venerable I could have caught it and kept it. It reminds me of how we are so vulnerable to sin, but we always ask God for help with our sins we always commit.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Putting The Fire Pit Together

I don't know how it happened, but, I found myself looking at the instructions of how to build a fire pit. First it told me to screw on a handle on the fire pit's lid. Second I had to attach the legs to the rings on the fire pit, I screwed on each of the legs then I put the next ring on top of the bottom one with the legs. I had to match up the holes on the legs and the put bolts on the them and secure them with nuts, but it took me awhile and my Grandpa went faster than me! Third, I had to put the huge bowl on top of the rings. But first I had to assemble a small round dish that would catch the ash on the bowl by matching up some holes again. Fourth, I had to put nuts and bolts in the holes. Then we finally put the bowl on top of the rings. Fifth, there was only one thing left to do. We had to put a little metal basket like a cover on the top of the bowl then we were done!

Here I am putting the rings together.

In this picture papa is helping me assemble the bowl.

I'm wearing the bowl on my head in this picture! Don't I look silly?

And hears the final product! Doesn't it look great!?

We had a great time afterwards! we roasted marshmallows and ate smores. It was fun putting the fire pit together, and it gave me a sense of accomplishment that I was able to put the fire pit together, well mostly by my self.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Do You Fill Your Cup With?

"Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but Yours be done." Luke 22:42

What do you fill your daily cup with The things of the world? Or the things of God?

Today many people fill their cup with daily things such as TV, the Internet, video games, other people, and (its hard to say this) books, and many other sinful things. Some people even fill their cup with the mystery of nature and its wonders such as the elements, and the stars in the night sky. But it is entirely up to you what you fill your cup with. You can fill your cup with the things of God, the world, or nature, but it is up to you.
What does God want you to fill your cup with?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Lazy And Amazing Dog

Yep, this is a picture of Rosco and I being lazy. It started out with me and Rosco fighting, I was chasing him all around the yard when all of a sudden he was under the table being lazy, so I curled right up with him.

The other picture is of Rosco when he atacked a snake at Nana's house! Nana told me when he saw the snake he jumped up high in the air then grabbed it and started chewing on it! Then the snake puked up some worms and Rosco tried to roll in them it was sooo funyyyy!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Computer

Mom and I went to Wal-Mart to get a new computer! We have an HP Pavilion Slim Line computer. It took a little while to get the internet working but it works now. It is alot faster than our laptop.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Have you ever wondered why we have Ash Wednesday? We have Ash Wednesday to remind us that we are sinful people and need cleansing ,that is what the Ashes are for. We sing Mournful songs on Ash Wednesday as we prepare for Lent. the ashes are from the burnt palms on last years palm Sunday. Kneeling while doing this shows humility to God. Some people even give up their possessions for six weeks! They might give up something like TV or video games, They do that because God gave up his son Jesus Christ to die for or sins. Ash Wednesday is a good reminder of all that Jesus has done for us, in jesu name, Amen.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Birthday party

I had my birthday party today I invited six of my friends and we played a game called Bible Blurt. One person would roll the dice and then read a card on the red side or the blue side of the card, the red side had harder questions than the blue side did. When the reader got done reading the question the answer was on the card, the other players had to blurt out what they thought was the answer and whoever got the right answer could go the amount of spaces on the dice. Here's a picture of the box and the cake they are the same. Mom did a very good job of designing it. I got a 20 q version 2.0 from one of my friends and money from my other friend and I also got ds eqipment from one of my other friends I invited 7 friends but 6 came. it was a good birthday party

Monday, February 16, 2009

civi rights speech

This was my first speech, it was a little challenging,it was challenging because I have never had never written and presented a speech to a lot of people before I am going to present this speech at Bethel Lutheran home with the homeschoolers, I hope you like it.
(In order to hear the speech you must pause my playlist)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Celery science experiment

A few days ago I did a experiment for Science. It told me to but a stalk of celery in a cup of food coloring, I chose red ad then placed the celery in the cup. A couple days later we took the celery out of the cup and on the bottom the holes were red. Those holes were the phloem that carry the water up the stalk of the plant to feed it. The holes were red because of the food coloring the holes on the bottom carry up water, but because water is clear we cannot see the holes well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mystic elves charaecters

1. Marcus: a young Fire elf of the age of 12, he is angry for the betrayal of his 14 old brothers who joined an evil corporation (named the misma).He has a sword for a weapon and is friends with Sophia and Elphia. He is accountable for the loss of members in the Misma because of his anger for them taking his brother
2. Sophia: A young Dark/Light elf who is 12 years old, she carries a dark staff. She is not aware of her Dark/Light powers for a while. She is cousins with Elphia and some unknown power resides in her, she is also accountable for the loss of members in the Misma.

3. Elphia: The Light princess she is also Sophia’s cousin. She is cute but a little strange, she is 12 years old. Elphia wields a Light staff, she is accountable for
the elimination of one of the Misma's members Tagarloz.

4. Eric: An Earth elf who is Marcus’ brother, he is 14 and carries a staff for a while but when he joins the Misma he wields a thorn sword. As the oldest one in the group he acts like he’s 19 and is probably the most mature one in the group too.
5. Darkon: The major Antagonist of the game he is the head leader of the Misma. He is a Dark elf and he plans to cover the world in Darkness so he can control it.
6. Demnatris: he is the second in command of the Misma and he is also the strongest he is an ice elf, he uses an ice blade. He shares Darkon’s idea’s of shrouding the world in darkness

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More science experiments: Phototropism (whew!)

For this science experiment I needed clay or play-doh and roll the play-doh into a little snake like the picture below. Then I had to squish one side of the snake so the other side bent over. This demonstrates photo tropism( the picture to the left shows the process). Some plants like sunflowers bend towards the sun to get light.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

science project: carrots

I did a science project for taproots, it told me in my science book to use carrots( since carrots are taproots). It said to cut off the tips off the carrots, then put one of them in the fridge, and the other in a cup of water with blue food coloring on a sunny windowsill or in my light hut. Then it said to check them in 24 hours but we went on a trip, so we checked when we came back. The carrot in the fridge was shriveled up and the one in the cup was shriveled on the tip and still orange, but the bottom of it in the water was blue and still fresh. We then cut the blue tip open and saw this
The blue food coloring was in the veins because it sucked in the water all the way to the tip. I learned that carrots need to have moisture around them or be in the ground to survive

Thursday, January 8, 2009


(Sorry I havent blogged in a while)
Our whole family went over to my granma's house (Nana porcupine) and my aunt was there too(The Lutheran hen). I got a box that opens with a key from Nana, and some axe products from Aunt Charity, I also got a vest from my great grandma. We also got to stay over at my mom's friend's house. I got to play with her son, He is a lot bigger now!

Heres me opening my gifts.

And in this picture were at dinosaur park in Rapid city it was cold. The vacation was fun!