Friday, August 21, 2009

Science Experiment: A chemical reaction

My next science experiment was the most fun so far. I had took a 2 liter bottle and filled it with vinegar. Then I had to take some cabbage leaves and boil them in water. After that I took the leaves out and put ice cubes in the juice to cool it down. The next thing I did was fill a balloon with baking soda, then I poured the cabbage juice in with the vinegar. Here is were it gets exiting, I poured the baking soda out of the balloon by using a funnel, then the new liquid started to fizz and they balloon blew up, also the liquid in the bottle turned blue! This happens when one items atoms combine with the other items atoms to form a new substance, The vinegar an the baking soda formed together to make 3 new substances, they made Carbon dioxide, sodium acetate, and water, then the chemical in the cabbage leaves mixed with the vinegar and turned it purple. When the vinegar was transformed into a new substance it turned the cabbage juice blue. This is just another amazing fact that God has made us wonderfully and loves us dearly.

these are all the items I used.

In this picture I am putting the baking soda in the balloon

This is were it started to change purple when I added the cabbage juice and then blue when I added the baking soda

And this is the finished project doesn't it look nice?!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Science Experiment: Atomic Motion

I had to do another science experiment, but this time I did it on atoms in motion. First I had to boil some water on the stove. Then after it was done boiling I had to fill a glass jar with the boiled water, then I had to get another glass jar and fill it with cold water. When I was done filling the jars with the water I put a drop of green food coloring in the jar with hot water then a drop of blue food coloring in the cold water jar. The food coloring in the hot water jar spread more quickly than the one in cold jar. This explains that atoms move faster in an object when hot than when an object is cold. The videos below should show my results. It was a fun project than still proves God amazing love for us.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Science experiment: Density in nature

In my general science book I was asked to do a science experiment about atoms and how they exist in every single thing. First I took a glass and filled it with ¼ full of vegetable oil, then ¼ cup of water, and then ¼ cup of dark corn syrup.

Then I put the rock in the glass and it sunk to the bottom, when I put the grape in it floated on top of the dark corn syrup, when I put the ice cube in it floated on top of the water but not on the vegetable oil. This is because of these items atoms. Atoms consist in every living thing and make up every living thing. For instance If you were to cut a quilt and find that it is made of tiny threads oven together to make the quilt, what's even more amazing is that each of those individual threads are made a even tinier atoms, isn't that amazing? So the rock's atoms were so densely packed together that it sunk beneath all the liquids, the cork's atoms were very loose so they only stayed on top of all the liquids, the ice cube's atoms were hard enough to let it float above the water but not sink all the way down to the bottom of the glass. This just another one of God's signs that he made us wonderfully.